We have noticed the following errata in the SAS book:
- Introduction
- Introduction to SAS software
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Data Preprocessing
- Credit Scoring
- Page 107: All headings need to move on cell to the right;
- Probabilities of default (PD): discrete time hazard models
- Page 146: Change from PROC GPLOT DATA = test; to PROC GPLOT DATA = graph;
- Page 155: Add between PROC LOGISTIC and the data step: PROC SORT DATA=probabilities2; BY time; RUN; PROC MEANS DATA=probabilities2; BY time; OUTPUT OUT=means MEAN(default_time PD_TTC_time PD_PIT_time)=default_time PD_TTC_time PD_PIT_time; RUN;
- Page 168: Move code "OUTALL" into one line
- Page 170: Exhibit 6.23: change heading to "Selection Indicator = 0", SAS may output Exhibit 6.23 before Exhibit 6.22
- Probabilities of default: continuous time hazard models
- Page 194 - data creation code needs to come before the survival code chunk above
- Page 198 - change LTV_time to LTV_orig_time on page 198
Page 199: Change: MODEL (time1,time2)*default_time(0)=FICO_orig_time LTV_time gdp_time TIES=EFRON; to MODEL (time1,time2)*default_time(0)=FICO_orig_time LTV_orig_time gdp_time /TIES=EFRON; - Page 199 - coverates_time data creation code chunk needs to come before chunk on page 198
Page 208: Change: xbeta = 2.0998+ 0.0044* FICO_orig_time-0.0159*LTV_orig_time to
xbeta = 2.1137+ 0.0043* FICO_orig_time-0.0155*LTV_orig_time
- Low Default Portfolios
- Default Correlations and Credit Portfolio Risk
- Loss Given Default (LGD) and Recovery Rates
- Page 293 - add MODEL lgd_time ~ GENERAL(ll); before RUN;
- Page 302 - need to add ODS GRAPHICS ON/OFF to display all graphics shown in book for this specific analysis
- Exposure at default (EAD) and adverse selection
- Bayesian Methods for Credit Risk Modeling
- Model validation
- Page 402/403: MODEL statement may be removed for all models with INMODEL statement in PROC LOGISTIC
- Page 402/403: MODEL statement may be removed for all models with INMODEL statement in PROC LOGISTIC
- Stress testing
- Concluding remarks